Union Bank of India has started Union Dial where by just a missed call you can get loan on Business Loan (up to 5 Crores), Mudra Loan, Home Loan, Vehicle Loan, Personal Loan and Credit Card, all you have to do is just give a missed call to below number.
Union Bank of India Missed Call Loan
Dial 9619333333 and give a missed call, Call will be automatically disconnected.
You will receive an sms instantly and Union Bank of India executive will call you and inform you the scheme
guidelines and help you to apply for the loan.
You can also alternatively for Loan from Union Bank of India using SMS.
send a SMS as ULOAN to 56161 and you will get a reply back.
Q: What makes a loan application process interesting?
A: Union Dial
?Give a missed call on 9619333333 OR
?Send an SMS <ULOAN> to 56161 OR
?Call us on 1800 222244 #MakeItInteresting
— Union Bank of India (@UnionBankTweets) July 7, 2021
Currently, the UBI Union Dial Loan Facility service is available only in limited locations.